Welcome to Foodies Read 2016!
Do you love reading books about food? Do you want to find more recommendations of books to read and to sing the praises of books that you’ve loved?
You’re in the right place. Starting in January 2016, I’ll be taking over Foodie Reads.
We will still have a challenge levels and for those of us who don’t like to plan that much there will be an a la carte option.
Want to challenge yourself? Pick a level below.
Short-Order Cook: 1 to 3 books
Pastry Chef: 4 to 8 books
Sous-Chef: 9 to 13 books
Chef de Cuisine: 14 to 18
Cordon-Bleu Chef: More than 19
Don’t like to plan? Choose the a la carte option and let us know when you read a book about food.
What counts as a food book? Any genre – fiction, nonfiction, cookbooks, etc. If food is a major part of the plot then it counts!
Each month I’ll have a new page for book reviews that you post. You can find the page for the month linked here and on the blog’s right sidebar. Each month will feature some posts from the last month. Posts will be pinned to Pinterest and publicized on Twitter to get the word out. Along the way there may be giveaways for participants.
Help me get the word out! Write a post to let everyone know that you are going to joining Foodies Read. Link it up here.

[…] Foodies Read Challenge hosted by Based On A True Story […]
I’m so lame! I came by looking to link my wrap up post and realized I’d never linked my sign up post! I just did. This is one of my favorite challenges. I’m excited to do it again in 2017. Thanks for hosting.
Hi, will you be doing this challenge again in 2017? I love doing this one.
Yes, I will be doing it again in 2017. It is a lot of fun!
I feel I found this link too late! I have so many cookbooks in my shelf and would love to read through them… will keep a watch on this space and participate in the next year… 🙂
You aren’t too late! You can link up any reviews that you post from now on. The link for each month goes up on the 1st of the month. We’d love to have you join in.
I finally got my sign up post done! Short Order Cook for me but I hope I’ll get more than 2 books done! Thanks for hosting.
[…] The Foodies Read 2016 Reading Challenge is hosted by Based on a True Story and if you know me, I love talking about food as much as I like talking about books. Reading Foodie Books? Genius! Fiction, nonfiction and cookbooks where food is a major part of the plot count for this challenge. Choose a level for how many foodie books you’d like to read: Short Order Cook (1-3 books); Pastry Chef (4-8 books); Sous-Chef (9-13 books); Chef de Cuisine (14-18 books); Cordon Bleu Chef (more than 19 books). […]
Am I too late to join this? I just found out about it (and your blog) through BBAW 🙂
Join in anytime! I put up a link up post on the first of each month to link up any reviews you have.
[…] […]
First time doing this challenge. I do enjoy some books in this genre, so I am hoping to at least make it through the low level. Best, and keep on blogging.
I can’t to see what you read. People have been posting some great books so far.
[…] turned into a series of book lists lately, but I promise this is the last one for a while. I saw this challenge last year a little too late, but I think it’ll be a fun one to join. I love food literature […]
This sounds like such fun! I’m Deb at Kahakai Kitchen: http://kahakaikitchen.blogspot.com/ and I linked up an announcement post. Thanks for hosting!
Thanks for doing this one. I had such fun participating last year. I’m glad it’s going again.
What a creative reading challenge. it will be fun participating. I have Debbie of The Friday Friends to thank for alerting me to your challenge.
Thanks for signing up. I’m looking forward to seeing what you read.
[…] Foodies Read 2016 hosted by Based on a True Story – I’m keepin’ it real and having low expectations of myself as I only sprinkle a chef’s memoir time to time throughout my reading. Short-Order Cook (1-3) is the status I’ll be working toward. […]
[…] to a certain set of guidelines and share your reviews of those books with other readers. There are food writing challenges, debut author challenges and “to be read pile†challenges, just to name a […]
[…] Foodies Read @ Based on a True Story – Read books that center on food in some way! […]
[…] friends, or library or donate a percentage of money for each book you read, no sign up restrictions)Foodies Read 2016 hosted by Based on A True Story (any book where food is a major part of the plot, no sign up […]
I’m in! And excited too.
I’m very excited. Thanks Heather.
I would love to join in . Will write a post and then link it here…
Not 100% sure I understand the way this works, but I am excited about it! Just signed up.
Glad to have you! It is easy. All you need to do is to write a blog post whenever you read a book about food. Then come back here and link up your post to the page for that month. It is a great way to find out about a lot of books about food.
[…] recently came across the Foodies Read Challenge 2016 hosted by Heather at Based On A True Story. I am hoping that I will challenge myself to not only read some great books, but try some new […]
I’m glad to hear that this event will continue on! I join every year but always end up with wishlists so long! 🙂
[…] https://www.spiritblog.net/foodies-read-2016-sign-up-page/ […]
I can’t wait!!
Thanks for joining!
[…] Foodies Read Challenge hosted by Based On A True Story […]
I’m looking forward to this challenge! The link-up is closed to new entries, so here’s the link to my post: http://www.girlichef.com/2015/12/foodies-read-challenge-log.html
Thanks for letting me know about the linky. I fixed it. Glad that you are joining us!
I’m in too: http://shesgotbooksonhermind.blogspot.com/p/2016-reading-challenges.html
Thanks for joining!
I’m in 🙂 https://booksaremyfavouriteandbest.wordpress.com/2016-reading-challenges/
Glad to have you!
[…] came across this awesome Foodie Reads Challenge and I am all fired up to join […]
[…] @ Based On A True Story is taking over for me as host of the Foodies Read Challenge Thanks […]