On Our Own
Yesterday the BIL left. He’d been staying with us for five weeks. We had Z for the…
Yesterday the BIL left. He’d been staying with us for five weeks. We had Z for the…
WANTED: Riley Age: 3 Weight: 12 lbs Species: feline For Felonious Assault VICTIM: Snowball Age: 17 Weight:…
I’ve officially finished the first week of the Body for Life 12 week challenge. The good –…
I am so excited! I have to share. No, those are not weeds. Those are itty bitty…
Flowers Originally uploaded by spirit97 I went flower crazy at lunch today. I have one mostly shady…
I was wrong about my level of soreness. My chest and triceps are sore but not “can’t…
My new mantra is “Respect the Workout.” Do not mock the workout while you are doing it…
I had a plan this morning. My parents are coming here at about 9:30 AM so I…