Book Expo America is a huge event for the book publishing industry and book fans. For those of us who can’t be there, this week there is Armchair BEA.
Today is interview day. All participants are answering 5 questions about us.
Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging?
Who am I? Hitting the existential questions first, huh? I’m a veterinarian, reader, quilter, and a long-term blogging addict. I’ve been blogging since 2004. I started because I couldn’t get a word in edgewise with my then-husband. He didn’t want to listen to anything I had to say so I decided to put it out in the world for everyone else to listen to. Since then I got rid of that husband and kept the blog!
What are you currently reading, or what is your favorite book you have read so far in 2012?
The first book that came to mind was The Saffron Kitchen by Yasmin Crowther.
Here’s what I originally wrote for the review.
Maryam was thrown out of her traditional Iranian family in the 1950s after a misunderstanding compromises her honor in her father’s eyes. Eventually she makes her way to London where she marries and has a family. Now, when an argument with her adult daughter and a pre-teen nephew causes an accident, she flees back to the village and the people she left behind. Her London family is left trying to figure out what happened in the past to drive her to such extremes.
I listened to the audio and absolutely loved it. The story is told in the voices of both Maryam and her daughter Sarah. I liked both narrators. Maryam’s backstory is heartbreaking and her decision to hide in her village is made believable. Sarah is realistic as a daughter who is trying to understand her mother as a complex person and not just as an accessory to her life.
What literary location would you most like to visit? Why?
Bath in England. My mom and I got a bunch (read that as several hundred) of what we jokingly called “smut books” from my grandmother. These were Regency romances with absolutely no kissing or other naughtiness in them. Ok, occasionally they kissed but only after marriage. They always had to go take the waters in Bath. I thought that we should definitely go pay homage someday.
If you could eat dinner with any author or character, who would it be and why?
The Mad Hatter and the Dormouse from Alice in Wonderland, of course! Unbirthdays are the best!
Have your reading tastes changed since you started blogging?
Nope and I’m proud of it. The husband (he’s demanding to be called this now because we got married this weekend) hates that I don’t tend to read “serious” books. I read to entertain my brain. I expect it to fun. Being involved with book blogs has exposed me to a lot of books that I wouldn’t have heard of otherwise though.
Too funny – you kept the blog and got rid of the husband! My gosh, you’ve got to be one of the first book bloggers out there.
The Mad Hatter and the door mouse – now that’s going to be a party, LOL
Nice to “meet” you
I would love to have an unbirthday with the Mad Hatter – {preferably as Johnny Depp
I agree with you when you said you have been exposed to a lot of other books – I have found this to be a major part of my book blogging now! Books I would have ordinarily not even looked at, based on say genre, I am now loving!
Thanks for sharing, wonderful to meet you
Bath, England is a GREAT choice! That is another location that covers such a wide variety of books.
Quilting?! Ok so I know you didnt mention that on this post but my eyes sparked when I saw your header and mention in sidebar.
You truly are a veteran blogger! Fun meeting you today. (and agreed that Unbirthdays are the best!)
LOL at taking the waters at Bath. I hear you!! And in the beginning I had NO IDEA what they were talking about! You’ve reminded I really need to read Alice In Wonderland, for real.
Here’s my Intro post. Nice to meet you!
A very merry unbirthday to you! Nice to meet you! Great choices for characters to have a meal with.
I would definitely take in the waters at Bath with you! Congratulations on your marriage.
Books should entertain! It was nice to meet you!
Congratulations on your recent marriage (and for booting the one that didn’t listen)! Dinner with the Mad Hatter would be entertaining I’m sure.
It was nice to “meet” you & I hope you enjoy your BEA week!
~Christina (and the other Book Hookup Litbrarians)
The Book Hookup’s BEA Intro
Congratulations on your wedding!
I so wish I’d been smart enough to be a vet. Thanks for visiting my blog
Dinner with the Mad Hatter would be fantastic! Haha! And now I have the song stuck in my head… “Aaaaa very merry unbirthday to you! (To me?)” Earworm alert!
Yes! I love the Mad Hatter and the Doormouse, especially how hilarious Johnny Depp was as him in the modern take of Alice in Wonderland!
My BEA Intro
Congrats on the wedding!
Like you, I read to entertain my brain. I very rarely pick up a serious book, though once in awhile (maybe 1-2x/yr) I will pick up a memoir.
Nice to meet you!
I also read for entertainment! Who needs to read boring things, when there are so many fun books to choose from? And congrats on your recent wedding.
Thanks for stopping by my blog, and it was lovely meeting you!
– Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl
Aw, congratulations!
I love happily ever afters 
I’m with you on the fun reads — while I sometimes pick up something that makes me think or is ‘heavier’ reading, I prefer things that are light and happy. Fun
Oh, a vet! What’s your area of specialty?
Congratulations on getting married
Bath makes me think of Jane Austen and Persuasion. I loved that book! (But I think Jane Austen actually hated Bath).
I’ll go with you to Bath! I’ve read so many regency books set there that I it’s definetly on my places I want to go list. Thank you for the saffron kitchen rec. I’m always on the lookout for new books!
I have friends that have been to Bath and absolutely LOVED it. Of course, I think almost any area in England is charming and beautiful. But I’m looking to go to Stratford-upon-Avon, being the Shakespeare nut that I am.
Ha! I said Bath, as well! It’s very nice to meet you
Kate @ Ex Libris
Congrats! Newlyweds are so cute. It’s amazing how quickly the time goes by. I’ve been married 10 1/2 years now and it doesn’t seem possible. I still remember our wedding day like it was yesterday.
Unbirthdays are the best. I plan on having one this summer with my boys since we all have end of summer birthdays and don’t usually have time for real parties once school gets started.
The Flashlight Reader
1. Nice to meet you! :]
2. Congrats on the wedding!!
3. The Mad Hatter for a dinner party would be pretty amazing. That just sounds like it would be enjoyable!
Here’s my post:
xo Stephanie
Hi There!
Bath is lovely, but the waters are really stinky and taste vile: no wonder people used to think that they were good for your health!
CONGRATULATIONS on your new marriage. Is the new hubby a reader, too?
I find it QUITE interesting that you are a veterinarian who is also a vegetarian. I think that probably says something.
I have been thinking about going vegetarian, myself. Recently stumbled upon a website that sickened me to the very core. It showed all sorts of incredibly inhumane videos from factory farms. Ugh, I just couldn’t stand to watch.
What would be considered your specialty in veterinarian medicine?
Hi Heather! It was nice to meet you! I loved your humor lol. For sure Alice in Wonderland
Lately I have been getting into some more serious books, but I agree reading as a hobby also needs to be about escapism!!
Bath is a beautiful place, and I’d definitely get a vacation flat there! Haha, you’re husband sounds like an interesting character! Ah, I once read this book called “The Quiltmaker’s Gift” (it’s a children’s book) and it made me really want to quilt! I did make a patch, but to have the patience to make a huge one? That’s incredible!
Happy reading!
I’ll just say “Hi” as your site doesn’t like my full comment.
Enjoy Armchair BEA! New follower.
I love your header since I adore horses, even if I’m a little scared of them. Hope you enjoy the week.
Congratulations on your wedding!
The Saffron Kitchen sounds delectable.
I love all the animals in your header! You’re so lucky!
Also you’ve been blogging for a very impressive amount of time!
I hope you manage to make it to Bath some day
I live in England for about half the year but I’ve never been to Bath! I’m down here in Canterbury!
I love that your grandma gave you smut books! My grandma wouldn’t touch them with a ten foot pole. She’s more likely to give me another Christian Fic. book. Those would be fantastic characters to have dinner/tea with! I would probably pick the Johnny Depp version of the Mad Hatter.
I love your reason for wanting to visit Bath! So sweet (also, I’ve been there, and it’s lovely- you’ll LOVE it when you make it there). Also love being exposed to new books through blogging
You are quite amusing!! enjoyed your humor in your intro!! love your animal pics too!
Hi Heather! Nice to meet you!
First off, congrats on the wedding! Eeeee. Hope you had a good one!
Secondly, Wooow, that’s a long time blogging – good on ya! That’s quite a commitment!
Yay for Bath and triple YAY for the Mad Hatter and the Doormouse! Alice in Wonderland is <3.
You should be able to read whatever you want to read and I say there is nothing wrong with just reading entertaining books!
Here's my intro post if you wanted to visit!
I would so LOVE to vacation in England! Congrats on the wedding!
As a student, I too expect my reading time to be pure enjoyment. My brain needs the relaxation. For some reason I’ve been finding some serious journalism books to be more enjoyable than other books lately though.