top ten tuesday

The stories in here were good but I am horrible at reading short story or essay collections. They just don’t hold my interest.


I did read about half of this on vacation. Then I just wandered off. It wasn’t a bad book. I can’t even say that I wandered off to something shinier because all the gold on that cover is actually metallic and I had a physical copy of this book so it was literally the shiniest thing around.

I read the first chapter of this one and just felt like it was going to be annoying. There were grown women walking around talking about the hot cop neighbor and I said, “Yeah, no, I’m out.”

the library thief Kuchenga Shenje

This one sounds good but there was so much pressure. It had about 10 people waiting for it and I had a line of library ebooks. I sent it back and put a hold on it again. Maybe I’ll have more time for it when it comes around again.

I just wasn’t feeling this one. I read about half.

the royal librarian daisy wood

This was another one with a long waiting list that I didn’t have time for when it showed up for me.

When I’m browsing for audiobooks at the library I tend to grab anything that catches my eye and then see what I actually like when I start listening. I’m super picky about what I keep listening to. I sent all these back because I liked something else that I started listening to. I never even started them.

I do like this author’s books so I got this one to read.