The main reason we ended up at Politics and Prose was because it was in the same plaza as Comet Ping-Pong. When I figured out that we were going to be within a few miles of the pizza restaurant made (in)famous when stupid conspiracy theorists decided that Hillary Clinton was selling children out of the non-existent basement, I knew I had to go.


The way I saw it, the Pizzagate conspiracy theory started because the restaurant was mentioned so many times in Clinton’s hacked emails.  That had to mean it had good pizza, right?  I am also super impressed that even with all the bad publicity and even a person coming with guns to save the children (so dumb) the place is still in business.  I checked the website and it had a vegan cheese option so off we went.

I didn’t tell the person with me why I wanted to go to this place.  She’s not up on her political weirdos.  It must be nice in her world.  She was just grumpy that it was expensive but impressed that a picture said that Guy Fieri had eaten there.  It wasn’t actually that expensive for wood-fired pizza especially in D.C. so I forced her to get pizza by buying it for her so I could have my conspiracy pizza.  

This was a very good pizza dough.  It was a bit too charred for my liking but I understand why people love it.  A good dough will get you a long way.  


It was a cute little neighborhood pizza place.  You’d never expect it to be the center of a national conspiracy. 
