An important part of year’s end is reviewing the goals that you set to see what you accomplished. One of the reading goals I set for myself was a TBR reduction challenge. I was going to read books that were in my possession prior to January 1, 2022.
So how did that go?

That is absolute rubbish! I mean, I read around 200 books this year. Only 4 were in my possession last year???? The books that I finished in the first week of January didn’t even qualify. They were library books!
Ok, ok, In 2023 I’m going to focus. (I’m clearly not going to focus.) I’m going to try again to read one book a month that I already have in my possession. I’ll see you again in a year with a variation on this post….
I think one book a month from your own shelves is a good and reachable goal.
Hahahaha this post almost made me spit out my coffee! I can totally relate. I have the same plan as you every year, but unfortunately I read a ton of blogs so every day I see so many other books I want to read so I usually end up downloading books from the library, ignoring the books already on my Kindle.
Good luck to us both reducing our books we already own shelves!