The slacking continues.  I found myself reading a bunch of books that required THINKING so I wasn’t rushing through them like popcorn.  Then I didn’t even get through all of the thinking books so I only have a few finishes this month.

I was trying to focus on only Black authors for February but then library holds came in and other shiny things happened.  Here are the books by Black authors I read.

My other books


The books I read were:

  • 2 audiobooks
  • Set in Morocco, Egypt, and the U.S.


What were my favorites?



From My Shelf

I’m adding a section to encourage me to read books that I’ve had sitting around for a long time.

Yeah, um, moving along, nothing to see here. 

Ok, I’m getting up from the computer right now and picking a book off the shelf.  

I bought this book when I was giving out books as prizes for Foodies Read.  The cover was damaged though so I didn’t give it away.  It has been sitting on my shelf ever since.  It is now on my nightstand.  I WILL read it by the end of March.

Reading All Around the World challenge from Howling Frog Books

  • Read a nonfiction book about the country – or
  • Read fiction written by a native of the country or someone living for a long time in the country.

I need Morocco but the book I read that was set there didn’t meet the requirements for the author living there.  Sad.Â