I didn’t get my wrap up done at the end of the month because I was out of town on a cruise. I’ll be recapping that because let me tell you – I have stories!

  • It was a Panama Canal cruise. Guess what I didn’t see? Yeah, the canal.
  • I got robbed but the thief brought my stuff back a few hours later.
  • I got a marriage proposal in Honduras.

It was a wild trip. And then the fun is just beginning when we got home. We have a rental property and our long term tenant is leaving. Oh boy, you will not believe the condition she left the house in. Buckle up for story time over the next month or so!!

I read 24 books in February. Here are the books from before the cruise.

That is:

  • 2 audiobooks
  • 3 nonfiction
  • Set in England, Canada, Australia, Nigeria, and Connecticut.

During and after the cruise I read:

These are:

  • 1 nonfiction
  • Set in Oregon, England, California, Canada, India, and Massachusetts.

I did add some new places to my reading map this month.
