Continued running 10 minutes as part of the Whole Challenge.
The workout was 5 rounds of:
I did it in 10:02. This was my first Rx WOD! That means it was the first time I did the workout at the suggested weight. Sure, it was an easy one to do but it counts!
Then I drove home and had to do my 10 minute run. That looked more like a zombie lurch than a run after all those lunges.
Friday and Saturday
I did my running like ordered.
My butt is just starting to not ache from the walking lunges on Thursday. So, what did I choose to do today because I’m an idiot? 4 rounds of:
I did it in 15:32.
Today workout was confusing. We started with 7 minutes on the clock. We had to do 20 pull ups and then start lifting. The lifts were 1 deadlift, 1 clean, and 1 push press. Then next lift was 2 deadlifts, 2 cleans, and 2 push presses. Then 3 and keep building until the 7 minutes was done. Then we had to go right into 1 minute of burpees.
Once the count got higher on the lifts, the press overhead got hard. I got through 6 rounds and got 7 deadlifts done. Then I did 10 burpees.
Sounds like you’re right on track with that running and your other workouts. Good job!
Oh lunges…ow ow ow. I can’t even imagine adding weight.