With last Thursday being a holiday I missed another scheduled workout. I was feeling it today!
Warm up was a 400 m run while carrying a 10 lb medicine ball. There is no comfortable or graceful way to do this.
Then we partnered up and did a squat and tossed the ball to our partner. Then we held a low squat while the partner did 15 pushups followed by a squat while your partner did 5 pushup to side plank combinations. After that we did a squat and held the ball overhead while our partner did 5 burpees.
The strengths today were front squats and pull ups. I did 95 lbs on the front squat and it felt super heavy.
The workout was as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
- 6 deadlifts
- 6 box jumps
- 6 push press – bar from shoulders to overhead
That didn’t seem to hard when I looked at it but it was horrible! The deadlifts were relatively light since we were using the same bar for the push press. I was doing 75# which should have been challenging to for the press but not impossible. It was nearly impossible. I did 4 rounds and got up to the push presses again.
So inspiring. And I chuckled when you wrote about what it must look like to run with a medicine ball. I know I couldn’t do it. Not sure I could even walk!
Sounds like you’re getting back to it!