I went swimming in the morning because I had an unexpected day off. I worked mostly on back stroke since it is my favorite. I was really sore from the medicine ball partner sit ups on Tuesday and the heavy thrusters made my triceps sore too.
Our warm up was rowing until the machine said we burned 10 calories and then doing 10 pushups, row again and do 10 squats and then repeat that once. After that we did some stretching.
The strength work was to find our one rep max on back squats (bar on shoulders behind head and squat). My previous one was 135#. I did 175# today.
The workout was a partner one. They matched up people of similar strengths but my partner and I were the odd people out. He is super strong. In the workout our goal was to move 20,000 lbs.  It had to be half back squats and half lifting from ground to overhead. The first partner would go for 90 seconds and then we both had to do 10 pushups. When we finished the pushups the next partner would start lifting until 90 seconds had passed from the last person stopping and then we’d do pushups again. We were supposed to be doing the same weight for the squats and the overhead lift. Since we had different strength the trainer had us get an 85# bar set up. I was supposed to do most of the squats since that was a good weight for high rep squats for me and he would do the overhead since I wouldn’t be able to help much there. That worked until we were done with the squat reps we needed and I had to help out going overhead. I got 85# over my head twice! Then they made me a new 55# bar so I could actually be a productive member of the team again. We finished our 210 reps in 21:45. It wasn’t actually 20,000 for us since my weight was lower but I wasn’t quibbling.
I went swimming again nice and easy to stretch out my sore muscles to get ready for Saturday.
Run for Your Lives – I did a zombie run. I wrote all about it here. There are pictures of me in all my Zombie Medusa loveliness!
Apparently I am a delicate little flower because here are some of my injuries on Sunday morning.
This picture does not do justice to the lovely purples and greens that I am sporting.
We did 3 mini workouts today.
The first one was with a partner. One partner did 10 ball slams while the other did as many passes on the monkey bars as possible. I couldn’t do the hand over hand thing as a kid and I can’t do it now either.
Next we did tire flips. Finally! I’ve been in CrossFit over a year and never done a tire flip. We worked with a partner and flipped the tire for 60 seconds and then did 30 seconds of jumps onto the tire. We did this for 6 minutes. My partner and I did the 384 lb tire because we are tough (and because we didn’t claim the lighter tires fast enough). We spent part of the time flipping it uphill too because we aren’t real bright.
The next workout was 5 rounds of:
- 5 pull ups
- 10 hang snatches – bar from knees to overhead. I did 4 rounds of 55# and then dropped to 45#
- 15 jumping squats
I did it in 8:36.
Does anyone want to do something crazy with me? I’ve been reading about the Iceland Moonwalk and I really want to do it. It is next June. It is an overnight walking marathon on the night of the solstice in Iceland. Walk the Walk is a UK based group that does events like this to raise money for breast cancer research. They lead a tour to the event. Oh, and you have to do the marathon in a decorated bra.
I was in Iceland for a layover once as a teenager and always wanted to go back. Except for the weird food, I feel like it is my kind of place. Hot water and ponies. The tour has whale watching and lots of soaking in hot springs. There are no scheduled pony times but there is room in the schedule to add it in.
I think we need Team USA.
The photos of your knees remind me of tough mudder! ouch
Looks like you had an awesome week!
Iceland? I’m out.
But I cannot wait to read all about it and see pictures!!
Its been a great read!! I liked your post about your fitness style.
Glad you’re zombie self came back to life in time for your workouts!
The Iceland thing sounds cool — I hope you pull that off!