We worked on pull ups which I can’t do but which always makes my back muscles sorer than anything else.
The workout afterwards was 3 minutes of:
- 3 Power Cleans – I did 75 lbs
- 6 push ups
- 9 air squats
Then you rest one minute and then repeat for a total of five times. I did 3 rounds each set.
Friday and Sunday
There was swimming.  Due to my absolutely inability to count laps I can’t tell you how much swimming there was on Friday. The husband says we did a 500 m warm up, 500 of a bit faster, and 250 m of slow swimming on Sunday. He can count.
I decided to rebel. I was not getting up before dawn on an especially frigid day to go work out. I announced I wasn’t going on Facebook too and my coach said she didn’t blame me.
So now I’m going to do this:
We didn’t leave the house yesterday on our frigid day. Cool that you came up with an alternate workout. I stretched for my two indoor days since I knew they would be sandwiched between snow shoveling days — it took 160 minutes to shovel out today and that was with the help of a strong young nephew.