We started with back squats in sets of 6-4-3-2-1. I went from 85-125 lbs working on full range of motion.
Then we did strict overhead presses. That’s harder because you can’t use any momentum to get the bar moving. We were supposed to do sets of 10-8-6-4-2-1 adding weight each time. My maximum isn’t very high so it was hard to do that. I got to 60 lbs.
The workout was as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
- 6 squat cleans – I did 65 lbs.
- 8 toes to bar – I still can’t do that so I did knees to chest.
- 1 rope climb – I did 3 pull-to-stand instead.
I got through 4 full rounds with 2 extra cleans.
I went swimming for the first time since I was sick. The place I go has three pools in various degrees of warmth. The heater in the recreation pool had broken so they took the heater out of the lap pool to use in the rec pool. That made the lap pool quite brisk. You had to swim fast or freeze to death. No resting. I did a half hour of swimming and then bailed for the warmest pool to float/thaw and then the hot tub.
We started with a partner warm up. One person rowed 250 m while the other did Russian twists. Then we switched. After that we did a round of rowing and jumping lunges and then rowing and doing jumping squats where we click our heels together as we jumped.
For strength we did 3 hang snatches (bar from knees to overhead) every minute on the minute for 10 minutes focusing on technique. I did 55 lbs which is light but it got heavy after a while.
The workout was 21 reps then 15 reps then 9 reps of:
- Deadlifts – I did 100 lbs because we were supposed to have it light enough to do the 21 reps unbroken.
- Handstand pushups – I did pike pushups with my feet up on a box.
I did it in 6:36.
Nice workouts! Nothing worse than swimming in a cold pool…I had to endure that my entire freshman year swim class, ugh!
Whew! No heater? I’m glad you were feeling better, well enough to get back to swimming. I know how it feels to be sick and unable to enjoy something you actually enjoy doing.
The Firm Zip Medicine Ball Kit had us do dead lifts while standing on the ball. I wasn’t sure I could do it but i surprised myself and I was able to do them. But not with 100 lbs by any means. I’m still working on much lighter weights.
I’m not sure I could do any deadlifts while standing on a ball either!
I swam for a couple of summers in a spring-fed pool. It took awhile, but eventually I came to like swimming in the cold water. A hot tub was definitely the end point of that routine!
You are doing great with your exercise routine. I’m a bit older than you so having a difficult time getting my routine going. I like walking, but this week is super cold in my area.
It is a horrible time to be trying to do anything outside.
Don’t let your age stop you from having an exercise program. I work out at the CrossFit gym with women in their 60s and they routinely kick my butt.