This was a cardio workout day in the pool. Jog five minutes in the shallow end of the pool. After the first 5 minutes do 50 flutter kicks holding onto the side. Jog five minutes. Swim 1 length breaststoke. Jog five minutes. Rest 30 seconds. Jog five minutes. Tread water 60 seconds. Jog and then swim 1 length backstroke.
My advice for this one? Pool shoes. I didn’t have any and I got massive blisters on the balls of my feet from running on the tile.
Warm up – Do 3 times
- 20 mountain climbers – From plank position touch knees to elbows one at a time
- 20 squat jumps
- 10 burpees
Workout 1 : 8 sets of 8 reps of back squats at a medium weight. Between sets do a 30 second wall sit.
- I only did 75 lbs on the squats because my legs died fast! Sore for days after this.
Workout 2 – Do 4 times
- 12 lateral arm raises
- 8 overhead tricep extension
- 8 pike pushups
I did 10 lbs for this. I had to go that light for full range of motion at the top of the lateral raises.
Core – Do 2 times
- 60 second plank hold
- 30 seconds each side plank
- 20 situps with feet up on wall
The planks were ugly because my arms were shaking.
Cardio – Do 10 times
- 60 ft sprint
- 10 jump squats
- 10 light kettle bell swings
- 10 jumping lunges
Awful, just awful. I don’t know if it was the humidity or my allergies making me not able to breathe but I’ve never felt closer to throwing up on a workout. This isn’t even that hard. I almost physically couldn’t do it. I’m going to get some allergy medication so I can remember what inhaling oxygen feels like and then try this one again.
Pool shoes are great! Some pools have slicker surfaces — no blisters, but you can’t get enough traction for a good jog, either. So pool shoes help then, too.
Good luck finding a solution for your allergies. I ended up with a Neti pot and Claritin. And doing indoor exercise on the worst days.
Wow, kudos on the exercise! Trust me, I could not do that regimen! Especially not with my allergies worked up. I hope you get a good allergy med that works for you and you can breathe the fresh air again! 😀