I just had my first phone interview with the homestudy agency!
Basically it was to go over all the paperwork that we have to fill out and to see if we have any questions. I stumped them with specific questions on the health records for the cats and dog. The state requests this info but I don’t think that anyone ever asked why before. The information they want is irrelevant. They aren’t asking about the things that are communicable to people. They just want vaccine records. I don’t vaccinate in part because I have an old dog and because I feel that animals need vaccines less than the state mandates. Oh well, it is not worth causing a fuss over for me because they need a letter from their vet who (conveniently) is me! I’ll say they are fine.
In the next week they will be calling to set up the home visit and interview. This seems like a very laid back agency. Other people I’ve talked to in this area described homestudies as a nerve-racking white glove test. These guys said that as long as we don’t have any of the state disqualifers (which we don’t – child abuse, domestic violence, drugs, or physical or mental inabilty to care for a child) then we don’t have anything to worry about. We just have the mounds of paperwork and home visits to get through. But at least it is finally starting!