As long as I was going to D.C. for the National Book Festival, I decided to take a couple of tourist days. The first day was a Smithsonian day. Here are some highlights.

Renwick Gallery

This small museum is one of my favorites because it is all arts and crafts. It also had a women’s textile exhibit going on.


American History


I was so excited to see this display on the Fugees in a section on immigration over time. I read Outcasts United years ago and have been donating to the program. It is a youth soccer program for immigrant kids that has morphed into so much more for them and their families.


I lost my companion for a bit because I got distracted by suddenly seeing a quilt in a non-quilt area of a museum. I wandered off. I mean, what was I meant to do? I SAW A QUILT! My normal traveling companions expect this behavior from me.


We were here a few hours before Kamala Harris’ DNC acceptance speech. I presented this without comment on my Facebook story. I wasn’t the only woman taking pictures of it. It is a sign from the woman’s suffrage movement of over 100 years ago.


I maintain that if I was corseted to within an inch of my life I could rock this dress.


This coat is STUNNING in real life. People were walking around the corner, spotting it, and gasping.


Museum of the American Indian

I’ve never been impressed by this museum. The outside is very peaceful with a nice water feature. The landscaping sets it apart from the hustle and bustle of the surroundings. But the inside offerings weren’t good when I was there before. It has improved. But, the main reason I go is for the food. It has the best museum cafe in D.C.


I went to this station. There are several based around different areas of North America. I had the tamale with the grilled nopales and jicama and the rice. My friend had the tostada with the cornbread. Everything was absolutely amazing!


We also stopped in at the Natural History Museum but I’ve always been very disappointed in that one. It is just a bunch of dead animals in sad little dioramas and then some gemstones. I’m an animal person so if it can’t keep my interest then you know it must be boring.

I wasn’t done force marching her all over the Mall yet.  We had special passes for an event at the Library of Congress.  That will be the next post!