On my iPad
I’m a fan from the Good Eats days. I’ve seen him live a couple times. This is a book of essays on random things. This is from the library.
This also just came in from the library. I guess I’m reading the famous people this week.

I’m still working my way through these two.
This book is sad but so good. It is about the death of her husband and finally taking time to grieve.
Recently Finished

This was from Kindle Unlimited and should have been perfect for me but honestly it was pretty boring. I’ve had more books doing middle aged magic discovery better recently.
New On My Kindle

The first is from Kindle Unlimited and the second was a Kindle First Read for February.
Linking up with Mailbox Monday and
I would really like to read the Alton Brown book. I’m also a fan of Good Eats. I have some Laura Beers books on my bookshelf but haven’t read any yet.
The Geraldine Brooks memoir and the book on Ted Lasso have been on my radar. I am so happy I can get a variety of books from the library. Saves me money!
You have some good ones here.
I can relate to Memorial Days, I lost my husband 10 years ago. I may get a copy.
Thank you for linking to Mailbox Monday!
Intriguing assortment of books. I also enjoyed Good Eats and should look for that one. I saw The Warbler and usually like Sarah Beth Durst’s books. I passed on it because the description didn’t make it sound like a good fit for me. Come see my week here. Happy reading!
My husband is a big fan of Ted Lasso.
Happy monday! I love how diverse your reading is. Many different genres!
I really enjoy reading memoirs and bios. I think the Brooke Shield’s one would be so interesting
This is the second blog today where I’ve seen the book by Brooke Shields. Hope to read that one. Alton Brown’s book sounds good, too. Hope you enjoy your week.