This month started out sooooo sloooooow. By the middle of the month I had only read 2 books. After that I had a burst of reading, including 3 books in one day, that started to bump me out of that slump.

I made it up to 9 books. I’m not sure what I was doing besides reading.
Did I at least make progress on my challenges? Yes!
Mysterious Aisles takes place in Australia so it counts for my South of the Equator challenge.
I absolutely did not read any of my own books though. Oh well, there’s always February.
You read more books in January then I did. I guess reading will have it ups and downs.
Have a great February reading month.
My Wrap up
Way to rebound your reading! There will always be ups and downs…..longer books, life activities, etc. I only read one of my owned books. Sigh. But, like you said, there’s always Feb. 🙂
Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys