I’ve actually been going out and doing things in the world in July. I know, weird, right?

The husband and I went out like the proper old people we are and saw Pat Benatar in concert. It was very good. Of course the opening act was some band I didn’t care about so I read a book during the whole thing.


Then the very next day we went with my sister-in-law and my niece to the Cleveland Botanical Gardens and the Cleveland Art museum.

I mostly only took pictures of animals at the Botanical Gardens.


This outfit was in a display on Korean fashion that the art museum. I think if I wore it I would be super popular at work – and maybe mauled. What do you think? Make those teddy bears squeaky and it would be game over.


Every time I see this painting I think it would make a great quilt.


We’ve even fit in a Lake Erie beach day. Bonus – the pizza place that we go to up there put a new location right on the exit with the beach. That’s good because we can never remember the name of the place or what exit it was at and have to wrack our brains every time.

That’s not all. We’ve even been to the zoo but that will be another post!