Let's Talk about Cats
by Anita KelseySetting: England
Genres: Nonfiction
Published on November 28, 2020
Pages: 276
Format: eBook Source: Book Tour, From author/publisher

Let’s Talk About Cats: Conversations on Feline Behaviour features 16 unique in-depth conversations with devoted feline experts, each chapter answering a question about our cats. An abundance of catty conversation points which provide many useful takeaways for cat owners to improve their own every-day connection with their cats.
This book, the first of its kind, presents the combined wisdom of experts from all over the world on
the psychology, behaviour, diet and training of cats, in a relaxed and conversational style. Contributors include Jackson Galaxy, star of My Cat From Hell, and composer David Teie, whose ground-breaking album, Music for Cats, was released by the Universal Music Group.
Each illuminating chapter exudes a love for cats and a wealth of fascinating insights. This book is packed with helpful advice, guidance and true stories from the author’s own
professional experience of cat care topics, explaining the most important cat concepts, giving food for thought and expanding on all the most important issues and debates in the cat world.
I spend a lot of my time trying to explain cats to people. This continues to baffle me. I think that cats are perfectly straight forward and easy to understand. I’ve been told that this is likely because I resemble a cat with my like of solitude and quiet and my tendency to hiss when upset.
This book is a good resource for people who think that cats are all aloof or are pets that don’t require a lot of social interaction. The author covers many aspects of cat behavior and how it impacts life with humans. A lot of the behavioral issues I see in practice can be helped by people realizing that they need to adjust their lives and surroundings in order to live with a cat instead of asking the cat to fit perfectly into their world.
There are several interviews with behavioralists, musicians, trainers, groomers, and communicators each giving their perspectives on what makes cats tick.
I appreciate that this book isn’t anti-vet. I hesitate to read a lot of pet nonfiction because a good portion of them are fairly hostile.
I agreed with most of the points that she made with the exception of her advocacy for cats going outside. She points out that she is in the U.K. which may be different than here in the U.S. Here we rarely see outdoor cats in their teens. We see a lot of cats hit by cars, killed by coyotes/dogs, or dying after contracting viral diseases from fighting. All of my cats who preferred to be outside died relatively young as opposed to my indoor cats who live until their late teens. I agree that the mental stimulation of being outside is better for them but it is just too dangerous.
I enjoyed the discussion with the musician making music for cats. My cats gather around and nap whenever I play my harp. I also play Music for Cats Youtube videos in the exam rooms.

If anyone would like the chance to win a free copy of Let’s Talk About Cats plus some fun cat toys from Purrs In Our Hearts and 4Cats then join her Facebook group.
There will be 5 fun cat photo competitions posted on 23rd Nov With the entries closing 4th Dec. Rules and how to enter on the page.
Author Bio
Anita Kelsey holds a first class honours degree in Feline Behaviour and Psychology (work based BAHons) and runs a vet referral service dedicated strictly to the diagnosis and treatment of behaviour problems in cats. She is also a qualified cat groomer and specialises in grooming aggressive or phobic cats.
Anita writes for Your Cat Magazine and is on their experts panel answering readers questions on cat grooming. She also advises on feline behaviour for the CFBA (Canine and Feline Behaviour) magazine as well as being a full member. Anita, a strong advocate of a vegan lifestyle, is based in London but consults all over the UK as well as international requests. She lives with her husband, a music producer, and two Norwegian Forest cats, Kiki and Zaza. Her debut book ‘Claws. Confessions Of A Professional Cat Groomer’ was published by John Blakes in 2018 and her second book Let’s Talk About Cats, Conversation On Feline Behaviour is due out November 28th 2020.
Book tour through Rachel’s Random Resources