The Book Bloggers Love-A-Thon is designed to be 2 days of spreading positive vibes around the web. Check it out at Alexa’s blog.
My name is Heather and I’m in Ohio. I’ve been blogging here since 2005.
Mostly I blog about books but I also write about fitness, quilting, and anything else that I feel the need to rant about.
When I’m not blogging I like to:
We went to France and Monaco in October and I’m going to England in May. I also went to Orlando in January for a conference and snuck in some Animal Kingdom, Epcot, and Universal time.
I’m the state coordinator for Quilts of Valor, a group that gives quilts to veterans.
Play in the woods with horses
I’m a vet judge for competitive trail rides.
Mostly I read:
The Summer Prince by Alaya Dawn Johnson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Who Fears Death by Nnedi Okorafor
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Historical fiction
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Madame Tussaud: A Novel of the French Revolution by Michelle Moran
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Everyday Sexism by Laura Bates
The News Sorority: Diane Sawyer, Katie Couric, Christiane Amanpour, and the (Ongoing, Imperfect, Complicated) Triumph of Women in TV News by Sheila Weller
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
My goal for this reading year is to read more books in translation and more non-American and British authors.
I love travelling! Though I can’t do it right now because I’m struggling with major anxiety. But from what I’ve seen, it’s amazing. So many beautiful places and things to see. My mom is a quilter too!
WOOOOOW! So much experience coz you’ve been blogging since 2005!!!
I also love to travel but haven’t been able to do much! Hopefully soon!
I think it’s AWESOME that you’re a judge for competitive trail rides — I used to ride and show horses a long time ago (oh wow, 10 yrs?) and I MISS riding so much.
Nice to meet you Heather! So cool that you’re a trail judge. And a blogger
Greetings from Macedonia!
How cool that you judge competitive trail rides! I’ve been riding for about 16 years or so. There’s just something so special about horses.
Very cool that you’ve gotten to travel so much!
Wow, you’ve got a lot of blogging under your belt! So cool. And I want to learn more about quilting, it looks like so much fun and what a cool thing to make as gifts and stuff.
Hello fellow Ohioan! I need to go horseback riding – my boyfriend always wants to but for some reason it scares me.
Yay Ohio! I grew up outside of Cleveland. So jealous of your travel – that is amazing have you ever read Marie Bostwick? She goes to a lot of quilting conventions and is absolutely lovely. I don’t have the patience or talent, but I think people who can are amazing.
I haven’t read any of Marie Bostwick’s books. I’ll need to look them up. Thanks for the suggestion.
I think it’s amazing that you’ve traveled so much! I want to visit Europe one day soon too. Also, I love that you’re involved in quilting (which is cool and I wish I knew how to do it) and horses (I LOVE HORSEBACK RIDING).
Thanks for participating in this year’s Love-a-Thon!
Hi Heather!
I use to show horses about 10 years ago! That is so cool you are a judge
Hi Heather!
Wow! You’ve been blogging for 10 years? That’s amazing!
Your hobbies are so so cool! You know how to ride a horse? That’s so so cool! Do you have your own horse? I would love to travel as extensively as you too! What’s your favourite place?
Thanks for the rec! I’ll add “Everyday Sexism” to my TBR. I love books talking about feminism and gender relations.
If you would like to read more books by non-American and non-British authors, I’ve got some recs. Have you read Mohsin Hamid’s The Reluctant Fundamentalist? He’s a Paskitani based in London. Brilliant book! I like Julie Otsuka’s When The Emperor Was Divine and The Buddha in the Attic too. These two are about Japanese immigrants in America. Amy Tan’s books are pretty good too!
See you around!
I used to have horses but don’t anymore.
I love South and Central America but i haven’t been there in a while. I want to go to more places in Europe.
Thanks for the book suggestions! I’m having a great time reading a larger variety of books.