May was almost all about fantasy for me because of Wyrd and Wonder. I like having thematic months to focus my reading a bit.
I read 17 books this month.

There were 14 fantasy books, 1 romance, 1 sci-fi (a re-listen for me so the husband could hear it), and 1 nonfiction.
The authors were mostly white women with 1 Black man, 1 white man, and 1 Latina.
I did read books for my South of the Equator challenge by continuing a series set in Tasmania.

Some interesting fantasy books.
Have a great June reading month.
My wrap up
Looks like you had a great reading month. I absolutely loved AMARI AND THE NIGHT BROTHERS – hope you did too!
Looks like a lot of good books last moth! Ana Maria and the Fox is on my TBR. Have a great June!