May is all about fantasy. So what am I going to be reading?
Let’s start easy. Long Past Dues is my current audiobook. It is the second in a series by the son of Dresden Files author Jim Butcher. It follows a not-very-powerful witch as he tries to move from children’s restaurant magician to magical law enforcement.
I have A Letter to the Luminous Deep checked out of the library now. I’m not exactly sure what it is about except for magical academia and pen pals in an underwater world. Isn’t that cover gorgeous?
I found out this book existed when I was writing a post a week ago. I bought it immediately and saved it for this month. There’s tea and a woman on the run. I don’t want to know anything else going into it.
I’m trying to be better about reading books I own and this was a gift from a Christmas swap last year. This has some magical realism in it.
This was a gift in the same swap. It has been on my TBR forever but I don’t know much about it. I’ve liked other books by Elizabeth Bear so I’m going to try this one.
That’s all I’m going to say that I’m going to read. I’m horrible at following a plan. So let’s see how many of these I finish and what else I read instead.
Oh Tea and Empathy sounds good. I actually know this auther from another comfort read series of mine so I’m going to look it up.
Yes, I love her Enchanted Inc. and Rebel Mechanic series. I was actually writing a post about her when I found out that this book existed.