In one week I’ll be heading out to Book Expo America. I’ve been working on having a plan for what I’m going to do there. It is sort of overwhelming. You get a list on the website of the author and the book name. I plugged each one into Goodreads to see if this was a book I might be interested in. After doing that for hundreds of books over a few weeks I found myself with a list of 34. This is the first time I started to think that I might be a bit picky.
I used the BEA website and app to highlight the ones I might be interested in regardless of the schedule. Today I set about trying to sort that all out into a reasonable plan because of course I had highlighted several that all happened at the same time with long gaps where I had nothing planned.
Am I the Only Person Who Doesn’t Care about Signings?
I would love to get able to get books without having to have them signed. I’m not really looking forward to standing in line to get a signature I don’t want in a book I do want. I feel like it is wasting everyone’s time.
I’ve seen other people with detailed spreadsheets of times and what signings they want to be at and I’m over here like….”La la la, Yeah Poland!” (More on that later). I’m not sure if this is really, really smart or spectacularly dumb. It could go either way.
Here’s my sort-of plan:
Wednesday – Blogger Conference
From 8-9:50 there is breakfast and a keynote but I may sleep in.
10:00 – 10:50 – Social Media
11:00 – 11:50 – Creative Content
12:00 – 12:50 – Lunch
1:00 – 2:50 – Table Talks This is me! I’m helping with the Negative Reviews discussion.
Only book I’m interested in that is being signed is at 3:30 – Tetris by Box Brown. I plan on doing a few walk arounds to see what is available in the booths.
8:00 – 9:30 I’m going to the Adult Author’s Breakfast but bringing my own food so the tickets are cheaper.
Morning books that are possibilities for me include some historical fiction, some food books (and future Foodies Read prizes!), and a few crime books.
1:30 – 2:20 – There is a talk about Paderewski. Ok, here’s the thing that has me really excited. Poland is the special guest this year. Poland! I have this thing about wanting to find good books set in Poland that aren’t about World War II. I plan on totally haunting the special Polish booth and looking sad until they take pity on me and point me towards some good books. So back to Paderewski – This is a session about the Polish musician in California and a book about it. I plan to use the time to eat some lunch.
Afternoon books – More crime and nonfiction. Here’s my big decision of the afternoon. There is a ticketed signing by Kareem Abdul-Jabar. I wouldn’t mind reading his new book and having a picture with Kareem to oh so casually post on my Facebook page because it would make my brother jealous. (Siblings never grow up.) I just don’t know that that is enough motivation for me to go stand in line to get a ticket to be able to stand in line to get the book and picture.
Morning books – There’s one about finding humor when your spouse is diagnosed with cancer. I think I just lived that one. Otherwise we have zombie sideshow performers and WWII psychic corp fantasies and maybe some romance.
12:30 – 1:20 A lecture on getting started with Polish literature – Yes, Please! This is exactly what I’m looking for.
The afternoon has an inner city horse and kid book and a steampunk Mars story to consider.
I never went to a signing I kind of wanted to go to (Brandon Sanderson- but it was in another city) because crowds freak me out. I wouldn’t mind going to a signing if there was guaranteed to be no line. However, most author siggies actually really suck- they’re in a rush, I’m sure, but you kind of want them to dig out the old quill and inkwell and give yours that extra special flourish.
Hope you have fun on your trip!
~Litha Nelle
Yeah, I actually agree. I mean, it isn’t like you’re actually meeting the author- you just stand in a long line and then they say hello and sign and then you’re gone! I mean, sure there are a handful of authors that it’d be cool to have a signed copy of, and last year I was actually able to get some pictures and chat a minute with some newer authors, but as a whole.. meh. I’m also pretty excited about it being Poland this year, since that is where my dad’s whole family is from. I hope your plans go very well, they are FAR more organized than mine 😂
I’ve been to signings but to be honest having an autographed book is not a big deal for me. I do enjoy conventions and strolling the dealer floor though, you always find somethnig interesting. Your schedule looks fun!
Of course I’ve never been to BEA and I’m sure that’s part of the fun for some, waiting in line to met that author.
I completely understand what you mean. I’m not that big into getting books signed; I just don’t really mind either way unless it was an author I just absolutely loved and chances are they are ticketed authors or their lines will be too long to make it worth it. I liked just walking around last year and seeing what I could find. Plus, it was fun checking out the smaller publishers and seeing what they had on offer. I have a list for Thursday and Friday with some autographing times, but it’s mainly just because I’d love to have the book! ha
I never really freak out about signings either… I do like to meet people, including authors, but not enough for long lines…
I’m kind of with you on signings, but I know I’ll still end up standing in lots of lines for them, partially because it was a big part of the fun for me in 2014 when I went last. But, I wish that a lot of the books I’m looking forward to were just available as drops because unless it’s an author I know and LOVE I don’t care that much about getting them signed (and it’s not like you get to stand around and chat with the author for more than 30 seconds).