top ten tuesday

I wrote about this one just being painfully poorly written despite being about a very interesting person. I still want to know more about her.

I don’t do well with most YA fantasy books. I picked this one up because it fits the theme for Wyrd & Wonder this year but I wasn’t surprised that I couldn’t get into it. I DNFed it after a few chapters.

I like reading about people leaving their faith. This book is aimed for people who are in the lives of those people. I wanted to see what he had to say. I found it fairly insulting. It was the typical, “They’ll be back” mentality. It was nice that he was telling people not to be mean but he was so dismissive of people going through faith crises. There was no consideration that they may be correct. Same old – same old.

I’ve DNFed this one twice. I’m interested in the topic. But it has the same issue as a lot of scientific history books. It is really good when it is focused on a few people. Then it opens up the scope of the book and there are way too many people to keep track of. You don’t get the in depth coverage of these new people. It isn’t as interesting.

This book wasn’t bad but I mostly wandered off to listen to a more interesting audiobook and then this one magically went back to the library.

I didn’t have high hopes for a book from Tony Evans or a book that challenges Christians to do one kind thing a week. Really? One? If that’s a challenge for you, then I think you have the answer that they were looking for in the deconstructing book up above.

It was just that bad. He went on and on making a case for why Christians should be kind. I sort of thought that was the point of the whole thing but what do I know? I couldn’t take it after a while.

This was another one that wasn’t bad but I just wandered away.