I’ve heard of people tracking how far they run/walk on a map to see your distance this year.  That’s cool if you run to Brazil or something but at my rate I’d spend a month just trying to get out of my neighborhood.  Still, I like the idea so I was excited to find something similar on Yes.fit.

This is a site for virtual races. You sign up for  race, pay your entry fee, and then do it on your own time. There are short races that you could do on one day up to races hundreds of miles long.  That’s what I’m going to do.

I’m doing the Tortoise Creep.  It is 155 miles long. The route is in Thailand. As you enter your workouts you get moved along on your map. You can even go to streetview to see where you are running.

You can have a fitness tracker upload your info but I’m entering my data manually. I’m only counting actual workout miles. Miles I walk for other reasons don’t count in my race. Let’s see how long it takes me to earn my medal.


Linking up with Readers’ Workouts.