A chill wind blows. For most, fall is about soft sweaters, delectable candles, and pumpkin treats. Here in the book blogging community, it certainly is about all of those things, but there is one most special event in the forecast every autumn. For us, the fall breeze brings Nonfiction November!
Throughout the month of November, bloggers Liz, Frances, Heather, Rebekah, and Deb invite you to celebrate Nonfiction November with us.
Meet your hosts!
Liz, who blogs at Adventures in reading, running and working from home, is an editor, transcriber, reader, reviewer, writer and runner. She likes reading literary fiction and nonfiction, travel and biography.
Frances blogs about the books she has read at Volatile Rune and is a published poet, reviewer, sometime storyteller and novelist.
Heather of Based on a True Story lives in Ohio with her husband, surrounded by lots and lots of critters!
Rebekah reviews social justice books on She Seeks Nonfiction. She is a Pittsburgh-based activist, graphic designer, and cat parent.
Deb, who blogs at Readerbuzz, is a Texas librarian-for-life who swims, rides her bike, draws, writes, and loves to read nonfiction-that-reads-like-fiction, literary fiction, classics, and children’s picture books.
How it works
Each Monday, our weekly host will post our topic prompt and include a linkup where you can link your posts, connect with other bloggers, and dive deeper by reading and sharing nonfiction book reviews. Feel free to use our official Nonfiction November graphics, too!
Here are the topic prompts for each week:
Week 1 (10/28-11/1) Your Year in Nonfiction: Celebrate your year of nonfiction. What books have you read? What were your favorites? Have you had a favorite topic? Is there a topic you want to read about more? What are you hoping to get out of participating in Nonfiction November? (Heather)
Week 2 (11/4-11/8) Choosing Nonfiction: What are you looking for when you pick up a nonfiction book? Do you have a particular topic you’re attracted to? Do you have a particular writing style that works best? When you look at a nonfiction book, does the title or cover influence you? If so, share a title or cover which you find striking. (Frances)
Week 3 (11/11-11/15) Book Pairings: This week, pair up a nonfiction book with a fiction title. Maybe it’s a historical novel and the real history in a nonfiction version, or a memoir and a novel, or a fiction book you’ve read and you would like recommendations for background reading. Or (because I’m doing this) two books on two different areas have chimed and have a link. You can be as creative as you like! (Liz)
Week 4 (11/18-11/22) Mind Openers: One of the greatest things about reading nonfiction is the way it can open your eyes to the world around you–no plane ticket required. What nonfiction book or books have impacted the way you see the world in a powerful way? Is there one book that made you rethink everything? Is there a book that, if everyone read it, you think the world would be a better place? (Rebekah)
Week 5 (11/25-11/29) New To My TBR: It’s been a month full of amazing nonfiction books! Which ones have made it onto your TBR? Be sure to link back to the original blogger who posted about that book! (Deb)
Meet the newest Nonfiction November host!
This year we have a new Nonfiction November host for week 5: New To My TBR in Deb. This prompt allows everyone who participates to come together and share all the new nonfiction books they discover each November!
The other four of us (along with Lisa) saved Nonfiction November from the brink of extinction in 2023, and we host this event again because we love the book blogging community and the books that we get to share. Thank you to Deb for joining us for our final week and sharing the joy of hosting. Please join us in spreading the love and tying the bow on Nonfiction November 2024!
[…] time for another Nonfiction November post! This week Rebekah is the host and the prompt is mind openers. So below is a list of […]
[…] I am forgetting and re-remembering that this month is also Nonfiction November! In my first post to celebrate this genre I talked about my past year reading nonfiction. This week […]
[…] didn’t realize Nonfiction November was going on until late last week, thanks to Carol! While my primary focus is SciFi Month, I […]
[…] November is hosted by a group of bookish ladies. You can join Nonfiction November here and meet the […]
[…] is the month for #ALLTHEREADING and Nonfiction November is back with a full schedule of topics to focus our nonfiction […]
Yay, so glad one of my favorite events will continue! Time to start assembling my list.
Can’t wait to see your posts!
Thank you for hosting this event. I am so looking forward to participating. This year I will try to be more of a planner, maybe to make a theme of it. Let’s see what I can come up with.
I can’t wait to see what you come up with!
Happy to join #NonFicNov24 ! 50% of my reading in nonfiction…so I should be able be “creative” in week 3! Mind Openers…oh, yes, some nonfiction books linger for a very long time is the topic has touched the reader in a profound way.
I’m so excited to see what you come up with!
I don’t read much nonfiction these days other than the occasional memoir. I did just read a holocaust memoir this past month, but I don’t see any on the horizon with my schedule. Hope everyone is able to fit in what they want!
Yayyyyy! Thank you, our Fab Five Hosts!!!!!
So happy to be part of this again with you guys. It’s a great challenge.
I’m so happy we’re doing it again and what a great hosting team we have!
I’m so glad to see the return of Nonfiction November, Heather! Thank you for hosting.