My reading this month was mostly aimed at getting ready to have something to say during SciFi Month in November. I’m sort of impressed by how many SciFi books I was able to read this month while not totally abandoning everything else.

I actually did make some progress on one of my challenges!

These are all written by Australian authors so they work for my South of the Equator challenge.
I’ve also decided to change one of my other self-imposed challenges. I was a complete failure at reading my own books. I don’t think I’ve done it once this year. However, the other day I was looking back through my Want to Read list on Goodreads. It isn’t gigantic as these things go. It has less than 200 books. But I swear I had no recollection of 90% of the books on there. I turns out that past me had good taste when I selected those books though, because they sound really good. So I’m going to purge the list of ones I’m not interested in anymore and then aim to read a book every month from that list. In case you don’t believe me (and honestly, with my track record, why should you?) I have a book currently on loan from the library from that list. So there!
November is an exciting and busy month! Nonfiction November actually started yesterday. I’m hosting the first week – Your Nonfiction Year in Review. I love this week. I get so many books to add to my TBR.

SciFi Month is also starting tomorrow. There is a prompt for every day. I’m not doing all of them because SciFi isn’t my main genre that I read but I’m looking forward to seeing everyone else’s posts.

You got a ton of sci-fi done! I can’t wait till I can start the latest Scalzi book. I have tried to pare down my Goodreads TBR, but I get so much in my head like I’ll never remember these books. Of course who knows when I’m actually going to have time, lol. Hope November is going well for you so far!
That a lot of filthy rich vampires. Sounds like an interesting series.
Have a great November reading month.
My monthly wrap up
Filthy Rich Vampires was a fun series!
Your Australian books would work for Brona’s AusReading Month, too! It’s running through November as well as October ….