In April we went on a Viking River cruise down the Danube. As part of that vacation, we booked a three day pre-cruise extension visit to Prague. This was our first time in the city and I loved it.
I wrote about what we ate in Prague and where we stayed here.
We got in in the evening and pretty much just crashed after we ate. The next morning Viking had scheduled a 9 AM walking tour for all the people from the cruise who were on this extension.
It was cold and rainy the whole time we were in Prague. The hotel had large umbrellas that they would loan us so that was nice. The group of about 20 of us headed out with our guide. The guides on these tours have microphones that broadcast to earbuds we wear so we don’t have to huddle super close like little ducklings.
Our hotel was right outside the Old Town area of Prague so it was an easy walk to the major tourist sites. We walked across the Old Town at a pretty brisk pace. We needed to cross a certain road before it was shut down for the Prague marathon that day. (Our hotel was filled with a mostly-British women’s running club. They were demolishing the breakfast buffet before the race.)

After walking across the Old Town and crossing the Charles Bridge, we made our way to a bus. On the way we detoured into a former royal garden that happened to be open for free that day only. There were peacocks hanging around.

The bus parking area was cordoned off because of the marathon so our bus driver was parked illegally nearby. We got to the bus at the same time as the police. We hung out on the warm and dry bus while the police tried to intimidate the driver for a while but they finally let us go. We took the bus up the hill to Prague Castle.

The castle complex is huge and there are many museums there. We did a quick overview but didn’t really get in depth. We were there the week between Palm Sunday and Easter so there were Easter markets set up everywhere including in the castle.
We headed back to the hotel around lunch time and then the husband and I set out on our own.
We mainly did some wandering into out of the way areas in and near the Old Town.
We were worn out by the end of day 1. We had done A LOT of walking.
It was a nice first day introduction to Prague.