Rosie’s Travelling Tea Shop
by Rebecca RaisinSeries: The Travelling Shops #1
Setting: England
Genres: Fiction / Romance / Romantic Comedy
Published on March 4, 2019
Pages: 384
Format: eBook Source: Library

The trip of a lifetime!
Rosie Lewis has her life together.
A swanky job as a Michelin-starred Sous Chef, a loving husband and future children scheduled for an exact date.
That’s until she comes home one day to find her husband’s pre-packed bag and a confession that he's had an affair.
Heartbroken and devastated, Rosie drowns her sorrows in a glass (or three) of wine, only to discover the following morning that she has spontaneously invested in a bright pink campervan to facilitate her grand plans to travel the country.
Now, Rosie is about to embark on the trip of a lifetime, and the chance to change her life! With Poppy, her new-found travelling tea shop in tow, nothing could go wrong, could it...?
I’ve been avoiding Rebecca Raisin. I don’t remember exactly why. I know that she annoyed me in a previous book and I washed my hands of her. But the premise of this book just intrigued me so I decided to give it a go and I’m glad I did.
Rosie is a planner. She has her whole life mapped out. Her whole plan comes crashing down when her husband announces that he is leaving her and she drunkenly buys a camper van. She decides to leave her chef job and go on the road following the festival circuit and cooking homestyle comfort food and pairing it with tea blends.
I have questions. I’ve watched tours of these van conversions on YouTube. They are small. How do you have enough space to cook enough food to sell at festivals and still have living space in the van? Where are you storing supplies? These vans don’t even have full size appliances usually. I finally just decided to suspend my disbelief and go with the story. It was better that way. The story was cute if I wasn’t yelling, “How are you baking that in bulk??!!!” every few minutes.
This is the start of a series that follows others in the van community. I have the next one from the library that is about Rosie’s friend that has a bookstore van. I have already spent too much time trying to figure out where she is storing boxes of books and I haven’t even started reading the book yet.
Another thing that kept niggling at my brain was that this was written and took place in 2019. I just wanted to tell her that in 2020 traveling the festival circuit was not going to be a viable business option.
These is a good book for relaxing and reading if you don’t think too hard about it. It may make you want to travel around England in a van though.
I read this article with great pleasure. Thank you for these truly profound and inspiring words.
[…] documentary about Agatha Christie, to celebrate her September 15 birthday. Heather enjoyed Rosie’s Travelling Tea Shop by Rebecca Raisin, once she suspended her disbelief. Tina put some British books on her fall […]
Fun! I have also watched many van conversions, and I would have questions, too. But the experience of traveling around the festival circuit in Great Britain could make up for it.
There are definitely flaws in these books but I do like the way that this author writes about food and books, and her ability to capture the spirit of a place so I do keep on reading them!
I thought I had read this but I must be thinking of a different cozy series. Thanks for sharing.