Is anyone reading this on a reader? Are you having trouble? My RSS feed seems to have disappeared. At least people are having trouble signing up to read on a reader. Anyone have any ideas how you fix this?
Is anyone reading this on a reader? Are you having trouble? My RSS feed seems to have disappeared. At least people are having trouble signing up to read on a reader. Anyone have any ideas how you fix this?
I read in Google Reader as well and it’s coming up fine for me!
I read in google reader and have no problems. I don’t know enough about it to have any ideas about fixing it. Sorry!
I read your site on a reader pretty much every day, and have had no problems. But – I signed up for it ages ago.
I did notice that there’s an RSS option at the bottom left, and in the center there’s a tiny link that says “Entries (RSS)”. Both appear to contain your feed, from what I can tell.
I don’t have any idea how to fix any problems people might be having…I wonder if they just aren’t scrolling down far enough to see the option? Since it looks like your blog is self hosted rather than on, you should be able to create a Google Friend Connect widget and put that on your sidebar, if you aren’t concerned about cluttering it.