From Snowball’s journal –
6:45 AM – Wake up Mom and demand to go outside
6:50 AM – Settle back to sleep. Plan to wake up briefly around 10 followed by a nap until 5-ish.
8:00 AM – Wake up when Mom snaps a collar around my neck. I didn’t even know I still had a collar.
8:05 – 8:10 AM – Protest wildly about getting in the car. Car rides never end well. It also never does any good to protest either because I weigh 7.5 pounds and eventually I just get picked up.
8:45 AM – End up at a veterinary clinic. This one is ok because I don’t get groomed here.
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM – Help Mom see appointments. I do this by making sure I keep her in sight. If she accidently shuts a door, I bark until she acknowledges me.
12:30 PM – Picnic at the Earthworks with Mom and Dad. Then Dad goes back to work and Mom and I do a photoshoot.
Then Mom says that one thing on her 101 in 1001 days list is to meditate at the Earthworks. I help her by tugging on the leash and licking her hands when she sits too still.
2:00 PM – Oh NO!!!! We are at the veterinary clinic where the groomer is!!!! I see Mom’s evil plan now.
2:00 PM – 5:45 PM – I usually help with appointments but I’m not used to being awake this many hours in a day – let alone consectutive hours. I take a nap. But first I have to tell that Doberman who comes with her mom that she isn’t allowed to look at me. She ran away and cried after I got through with her!
5:45 PM – The groomers grab me. There is a bath and ear cleaning. It is horrible. Then blow drying because I bark too loud when I go in the cage with a dryer.
5:55 PM – Brief break when I get to run back to Mom but then she carries me back to get clipped. I hate this part! Everyone says I look beautiful and I have a black bandana with flames that everyone thinks is funny, but I am not amused.
6:30 PM – Finally home. I’m going to collapse and not wake up until tomorrow.
ROFL Poor Snowball!!!! Ahhh, now THERE’s a reason to have a small dog instead of a big one!!!! *wink*
Dear Snowball,
what a busy busy day you had. I’m so glad to see you kept that Doberman in line. Sorry about the groomer part, but at least you don’t have to see them again for a while.
Sweet dreams!