Wife of the Gods
Wife of the Gods by Kwei Quartey Setting: Ghana Genres: Fiction / Mystery & Detective / Police…
Wife of the Gods by Kwei Quartey Setting: Ghana Genres: Fiction / Mystery & Detective / Police…
Which new-to-me authors did I love in 2024? Al Hess He writes sci-fi set in the American…
On my iPad I started reading this book with essays on The Gilmore Girls. I only watched…
Does it bother you when people see you reading and ask, “What are you reading?” I can…
There are constantly articles and panic pieces coming out about how no one reads any more. I…
I think this is supposed to be recent books that I’ve added to my collection but I’ve…
I read Lobizona specifically because it was a fantasy book written by an Argentinian-American author and based…
Let’s be clear. I can read under just about any conditions. But I do have my preferred…