This week has flown by. That’s what happens when you are pretty much exhausted. When I’m not at work I’m helping the husband with the clean up of our rental house. I haven’t written a post about it yet but I will and will put up the pictures. But just as a tease of the level of filth we’re talking about here is a look at a bedroom wall that has been partially cleaned.
Yes, we’ve had professionals in. They spent all day in the kitchen and bath. They got it down to a level of filth where you would be embarrassed to call in a cleaner because it was so dirty. They did manage to salvage the fridge but the stove was destroyed. I’ve done another two partial days cleaning the kitchen and I still wouldn’t cook in there until all the surfaces are refinished. I’m not a neat freak either but this is nasty.
This week on the blog
Character quotes
Why I Didn’t see the Panama Canal on my Panama Canal cruise
Costa Rica
The cruise company did ask us to fill out a survey on the cruise. Afterwards they emailed us and said they wanted to talk to us about the issues we had. The husband called while I was at a meeting. During the meeting I got another email about the new $1600 credit on our account. I texted him, “What did you do?”
His answer – “I was charming.”
Lawd a mercy. Whatever works I guess. This is more like the level of customer service I am used to from them.
I’m sorry for all the exhausting work but I am glad the cruise company tried to make things right.
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
How wonderful that the cruise company was able to speak to you about the issues you had on the cruise and to make things right.
Good luck with the cleaning!