It’s been snowing around here. We haven’t had a snowy winter since we moved here 12 years ago.


Nemo loves it! We get into issues because he wants to go outside about every 15 minutes in the evening just to roll in the snow. Oh, he puts on a good show about how he absolutely has to go to the bathroom. He makes sure to pee a few drops to prove it so we can’t call him a liar. Then he runs and makes snow angels in the yard.

The new sliding door is doing well. The husband is still fascinated by the fact that no air is coming in around it like there was with the old door. He slowed down the amount of times a day he rubs his hands across the surface after I commented that he was acting like “we just got tar paper on the shack.”

I had my post-op check up to be released back into the wild. I’m 7 weeks post-op. I’m ready to get back in my hot tub!

Then, I failed my check up. I still have some sutures that are supposed to dissolve that are hanging in there. The cheery resident told me that they would recheck me in 6 more weeks. I might have whimpered, “Hot tub?” That got a firm no. Then I quickly did math and informed her that in 6 weeks I will be snorkeling in the Caribbean. Please, please, I will be snorkeling in the Caribbean…… I have a new recheck date in 5 weeks. I need my body to let the sutures go. I don’t need them anymore. I do need my hot tub time and snorkeling. I’m water-submersion deprived.

Speaking of Central America, I started reading Everyone Who Is Gone Is Here about immigration from Central America to the U.S. It was a Christmas present for the husband but why would I buy him books that I don’t want to read? My goal is to get that done before we go on our cruise (where I will be snorkeling, you hear me?). It is a big book so it was time to get started on it.

On the blog this week I wrote about: