It’s been a pretty quiet week here. I haven’t done much after work except watch TV and finish a puzzle.
Part of BodySlims, the weight loss program that I’m doing, is a one hour walk a day. I like walking but on days that I work I get up at 5:30 to walk for an hour before I have to ready for work. I don’t like that. But like the coach for the program says, liking it is optional, doing it is not. But there is no better feeling than walking out of work after a mentally trying day and knowing that I don’t have to go work out. It is extra relaxing.
I’ve continued to have some interesting conversations with clients at work including one where we had to try to explain the concept of linear time. A person brought a dog in for an issue. We prescribed medication for the issue. After a few days of other issues related mostly to the owner’s over-enthusiastic nursing care at home, the dog was feeling better. That’s good but then the owner was concerned that the original issue was a side effect of the medication that she was given. It took a bit to remind her that the dog was sick BEFORE she came in and got the medicine.
We’ve had a run of people being mean to animals too. One lady had to get her elderly dog away from her husband because he was in the process of taking her to the pound to get rid of her because she was sick even though she had a vet appointment the next morning. The dog is staying with a relative for her own security. My assistant was ready to go a-murdering on the husband. I’m concerned for the safety of the wife.
We’ve had several cats who have been brought in by people who have seen them get left behind by people moving or people who went to jail. We’ve had a couple dogs recently who people have seen get dumped out of cars. It’s heartbreaking. We have to be happy at least that these pets have found people to take them in and love them.
This weekend I need to buckle down and finish up Death of the Author before the library takes the ebook away from me.
Last week on the blog:
It’s Monday! What are you reading?
Wife of the Gods review – mystery set in Ghana
Oh I like that puzzle you finished, it looks like a fun one! That must be tough to hear of all these animals that people were mean to, but good when they find a new happy home. I hope you can finish your book before it has to go back to the library.
I like the puzzle! I need to go back to regular walks. I feel so much better when I do that. My preference is after work though. It’s an hour to disconnect from work and move on to other things.
The husband’s behavior toward the dog is odd. Especially if there hadn’t been issues in the past. I can see why you’re concerned about the wife.
Have a wonderful week!
Poor things, and yes she should leave the dog deserter! What happens when she gets sick!?
Wishing you a happy reading week
As tragic as the fires in L.A. County were for the people (and I’m in no way minimizing that), but heart was especially breaking for all the animals impacted, both pets and wildlife. I wanted to take them all in, but my husband said no. I hate hearing stories about animals being mistreated. We hear a lot about dogs being abandoned in the nearby fields. It makes me so sad.
I really want to know what you think of Death of the Author when you finish it. I have been considering reading it. I hope you have a good week. Hang in there.
I like the puzzle!
I’m a lifelong animal lover. I don’t think the laws concerning animal abuse are strict enough or enforced enough.
“was ready to go a-murdering” that’s hilarious! But, I feel like that when I see any abuse, animal or people. A dog who could could kill a person with one bite will take the abuse and do nothing. Pit Bulls who are thought to be vicious are not mean at all until someone trains them to be.
We have a few free roaming cats that have been dumped out of cars. It’s so sad. I’d take them in but I already have a dog and 2 cats. I do make sure they have food and water though.
I hope you have a great week!
Poor pets. I hope that lady gets away from her husband. That’s scary for her and the dog.
I feel so awful for the poor animals. Especially ones that people get rid of when the animal gets old or sick.
This reminded me of some recent Paris Hilton videos. She fostered a dog recently. The dog’s family lost their home in one of our fires recently and had to give the dog up while they got their lives situated. Anyway, the dog was living the rich & famous L.A. life for awhile. Paris was crying when she had to give the dog back to its family and didn’t seem totally convinced that they loved him as much as she did and the dog didn’t look that happy to be going back to his regular people life.
Aww..the poor animals. That’s great about getting up an hour early to walk in the mornings. I’ve considered walking before work but have never done it. Enjoy your week!
I’m pretty sure most people are running on fumes right now, and those fumes do things to our little brains. I seem to be hearing lots more Crazy from people who seemed, in the past, to be Ok.
Good luck with finishing your book. I am reading several big books, and instead of focusing on them, I keep adding little books. I look like I’m reading a dozen books right now.