What is #BookBlogWriMo?
Basically, it’s a lax version of NaNoWriMo for book bloggers. I created prompts for each day, discussing different topics around books, blogging, and books + blogging.
Where do I read? The short answer is Everywhere.
I like to be comfy when I read. I read a lot in bed. There is generally a cat and a dog. Â One cat allows reading because it makes me hold still to cuddle. Â The other cat hates reading. If I have time to hold still and stare at a book, my time would better be spent giving all my attention to him. Â He is not above lying down on top of the book or iPad to emphasize this point. Â He doesn’t care if I’m holding the book up in the air either. Â He will flatten it. He’s huge. I can’t stop it.
Behold the cat who needs my full attention.
Freckles usually lays down at the foot of the bed to nap while I read.
I read in the bathtub. My bathtub is boring to look at so I didn’t take a picture. I’m saving bathtub pictures for the Reading Dream Cave post later in the month.
I read when I’m eating. I like to go to restaurants alone and read. Nonreaders tend to think that is weird.