What is #BookBlogWriMo?

Basically, it’s a lax version of NaNoWriMo for book bloggers. I created prompts for each day, discussing different topics around books, blogging, and books + blogging.


Where do I read? The short answer is Everywhere.

I like to be comfy when I read. I read a lot in bed. There is generally a cat and a dog.  One cat allows reading because it makes me hold still to cuddle.  The other cat hates reading. If I have time to hold still and stare at a book, my time would better be spent giving all my attention to him.  He is not above lying down on top of the book or iPad to emphasize this point.  He doesn’t care if I’m holding the book up in the air either.  He will flatten it. He’s huge. I can’t stop it.

A photo posted by @dvmheather on

Behold the cat who needs my full attention.

A photo posted by @dvmheather on

Freckles usually lays down at the foot of the bed to nap while I read.

I read in the bathtub. My bathtub is boring to look at so I didn’t take a picture. I’m saving bathtub pictures for the Reading Dream Cave post later in the month.

I read when I’m eating. I like to go to restaurants alone and read. Nonreaders tend to think that is weird.