top ten tuesday

When I started to write this post I realized that I don’t really have a plan at all for what I want to read next. That isn’t unusual for me. But there is nothing that I’m absolutely dying to get to that I haven’t started yet. Maybe this means that I’m starting to run into a bit of a slump. It may also be a product of reading way too many books when I was off on medical leave this last month so I burned through all my must-reads that I had close to hand. I need to refill my lists.

I was waiting for the next book in this series to be available on audiobook because that’s how I had been following this series. There had been some kind of delay. Now that I’ve gone back and checked again there are actually TWO audiobooks available for me to listen to!

I’ve read part of another series by this author so I thought I’d pick this one up on Kindle Unlimited. I’ll see if I like it.

I was just gifted this book. I know nothing about the story but I asked for it based on liking previous books by the author.

When we finish our current group audiobook, I’d love to listen to The Calculating Stars with the husband. I’ve read the series a few years ago and was fascinated with it. I think he’d love it. He’s on a Kelley Armstrong audiobook kick though so I’m going to have to convince him to give this one a try.