It is a fun thought experiment to think about fantasy book worlds that you’ve read about that you would like to live in. I’d like to live in a hobbit house, for example. But when you move the genre to science fiction, it becomes much harder to think of a setting where I’d actually like to live.
I need to be able to exist in the environment
Reading about domes on planets with no breathable atmospheres makes me twitchy. I don’t trust construction. My house is always needing repairs. I’m not trusting a dome to be the only thing standing between me and no oxygen. You know that is going to crack.
This also rules out underwater habitats and probably space ships. I’ll be sticking to the environment where my species evolved, thank you very much.
I don’t want to live in a dystopia
Sorry, just needed a minute there….. As I was saying… I’ve made it fairly clear that I lean much more towards the happier side of sci-fi than the depressing. I’m way from Star Trek than Star Wars. I want to read about places where people are getting along instead of places where people are going to war. Honestly I think I need the multicultural equivalent of Wakanda, wherever that is in the universe.
So where could I live?
This merchant planet doesn’t fit the boring aspect but you could live quietly if you kept your head down and didn’t cheat anyone. Â It is a city where everyone comes from across the universe to trade. Â You could see everyone and try everything. Â
Seersana University
Seersana University is on an unnamed planet in M.C.A. Hogarth’s Pelted Universe. That isn’t always a nice place but the university is a lovely and peaceful place. It is full of many species coming together to study.
On a Zodiac planet

I liked this story of a galaxy where each planet group and its inhabitants were based on a sign of the zodiac. I liked traveling to each world and seeing the differences between the people and seeing how the world was set up to mesh with the personality of that group. Now, I was super excited when they finally got to Sagittarius to see where I would be living. It was not to my liking at all. Way too adrenaline-junkie. I still like the idea though and I’m Sagittarius enough to just say that we are going to fix up what that obviously Sagittarius-deficient author wrote when I live there. Sure, there is a war going on in that book but after that is over it will be fine. (Was it fine? I don’t remember. It was a long time ago when I read this. Why am I thinking that everything blew up? This was a very explosive series.)
My first thought was “absolutely not.” Most sci-fi worlds seem terrifying. Then I thought about the Monk & Robot world. That one seems pretty tame and nice.
[…] @ Based on a True Story asks whether you’d want to live in a sci-fi world (I […]
I’m with you in that I too prefer the hopeful side to Sci-fi and Star Trek! I also love Innkeeper Chronicles so I love that you mentioned Baha-char! I’d love to visit there but I want to live in the world of the Monk & Robot duology, that’s the dream! 🙂 Great post!
Monk and Robot does seem like a very peaceful world