Write. Publish. Repeat. (The No-Luck-Required Guide to Self-Publishing Success)
by Sean Platt, Johnny B. Truant

Write. Publish. Repeat.
The No-Luck-Required Guide to Publishing
In 2013, Johnny B. Truant and Sean Platt published 1.5 million words and made their full-time livings as indie authors. In Write. Publish. Repeat., they tell you exactly how they did it: how they created over 15 independent franchises across 50+ published works, how they turned their art into a logical, sustainable business, and how any independent author can do the same to build a sustainable, profitable career with their writing.
This book is not a formula with an easy path to follow. It is a guidebook that will help you build a successful indie publishing career, no matter what type of writer you are ... so long as you're the type who's willing to do the work.
Write. Publish. Repeat is the story of three authors who write together and separately for independent publication. They’ve made many mistakes, up to and including losing homes, but now make a living selling their books.
This is not a book that is going to give you a formula to follow to hit it big easily. They write and rewrite a lot. They polish and market their products and have built up a fan base. This book is a look at how they run their business in case you want to try to do the same thing.
The bottom line is that you need to write. A lot. Keep making stories for people to read. Don’t worry about marketing until you have an amazing product to market. All the marketing advice in the world won’t help sell a bad book long term.
I also appreciated that the advice in this book was purposely ethical. There was no sleazy tips to trick people into buying your book.
I would recommend this for anyone considering writing and publishing either traditionally or self-publishing.